Blossom Yoga teacher training
Our Blossom Yoga Lil’ Buds and Big Buds teacher training courses take place regularly throughout the year. The Lil’ Buds programme is endorsed by YMCA Awards.
If you choose to train as a Blossom Yoga teacher you can be assured of the highest quality of training. Our assessment process is methodical and fair and we work with our attendees to ensure they become experts in their field, with an abundance of confidence and knowledge.
Our Lil’ Buds and Big Buds teacher training courses are each three days or six half days in length. Attendees participate in Lil’ Buds and/or Big Buds classes and are guided through a comprehensive teacher training course manual. There is lots of discussion and practical activity with course attendees being assessed throughout the three days. There is no exam at the end of either course. Instead, attendees work through a carefully constructed assessment plan and their achievements are recorded after each topic. On the final day of the course attendees submit a Blossom Yoga grade report sheet and teach a section of a class.
As part of our Lil’ Buds teacher training course attendees look at how Lil’ Buds incorporates and works within the Early Years education framework which is called the Early Years Foundation Stage or EYFS. Blossom Yoga Big Buds teacher training incorporates the Primary Curriculum and includes yoga for special needs children.
By the end of our Lil’ Buds and Big Buds courses our teachers are able to teach fun packed, professional and safe yoga classes to children from start to finish. Our teachers learn in detail what the benefits of yoga are for children and what the Blossom Yoga grades are and how to teach and assess them for the relevant age groups. For Lil’ Buds our teachers learn and practice every posture, they learn how to teach the postures and how to incorporate them into stories. For Big Buds, our teachers learn and practice all postures, they learn how to teach the postures safely and correctly and how to incorporate them into class themes and fun routines. Our teachers learn how to begin and end classes with an abundance of breathing, games and relaxation techniques. Our teachers learn teaching techniques that enthuse the children in their classes and make our teachers feel confident, happy, knowledgeable and professional in their work.
Both Lil’ Buds and Big Buds courses look at the successful and blossoming Blossom Yoga business model with teachers studying and taking home with them the Blossom Yoga Business Manual. This gives our teachers the secrets to our success and enables them to build schools of their own, run Blossom Yoga grades and shows and sell Blossom Yoga merchandise.
After successfully completing a Blossom Yoga Lil’ Buds or Blossom Yoga Big Buds teacher training course, our qualified teachers are awarded a Blossom Yoga and YMCA Awards certificate. Our teachers sign a License Agreement, which is renewed annually, and become members of the Blossom Yoga family with all the benefits this encompasses. Our teachers are fully equipt and able to establish Blossom Yoga Schools of their own. Through our Continued Professional Development (CPD) programme they are continuously improving and blossoming.
Format of Blossom Yoga Lil’ Buds Teacher Training Course
Day 1 (3 day course) / Day 1 and Day 2 (6 half day course):
Starts with a one hour Blossom Yoga Lil’ Buds class.
Work through Course Manual including grades 1 to 5 followed by all the remaining Lil’ Buds postures. Each posture to be learnt and practiced with course attendees acting out and discussing the postures with the relevant teaching points. Attendees to teach the group at least five Lil’ Buds postures each.
Day 2(3 day course) / Day 3 and Day 4 (6 half day course):
Starts with another one hour Blossom Yoga Lil’ Buds class incorporating Grade 2.
Continue working through the Course Manual including assessing and completing comments sheets.
Attendees to be given a grade to learn for Day 3. Attendees to be given an extract from The Bee that Couldn’t Fly to learn for Day 3.
By the end of the day the Course Manual will be completed. There will be lots of activity with attendees taking turns to teach the various class elements, including the Chakras and games.
Day 3 (3 day course) / Day 5 and Day 6 (6 half day course):
Assessments. Each attendee to teach a grade. Each attendee to complete a comments sheet based on one of their peers. Each attendee to teach an extract from The Bee that Couldn’t Fly.
Work through the Blossom Yoga Lil’ Buds Business Manual in the afternoon.
Format of Blossom Yoga Big Buds Teacher Training Course
Day 1 (3 day course) / Day 1 and Day 2 (6 half day course):
Starts with a one hour Blossom Yoga Grade One Big Buds class.
Work through Course Manual including grades 1 to 3. Sections of Grade One to be allocated to attendees to practice in groups. These sections will be taught by attendees on Day 3.
Omit topic 6 in the Course Manual (The Blossom Yoga grade structure and open class format, including reports/comments sheets, certificates and badges) and move onto topic 7 (Blossom Yoga classes. Length and class content - Pranayama and ‘add ins’.) Each of the ‘add ins’ to be discussed and practiced. There will be lots of activity with attendees taking turns to teach the group a few of the ‘add ins’ each.
Day 2 (3 day course) / Day 3 and Day 4 (6 half day course):
Starts with a one hour Blossom Yoga Grade 2 Big Buds class.
Continue working through the Course Manual starting with topic 8 (The main part of the class: Blossom Yoga Big Buds class themes) to the end of the manual - topic 12 (Blossom Yoga shows).
During the afternoon of Day 2 there will be a one hour Blossom Yoga Grade 3 Big Buds class.
This will be followed by topic 6 in the Course Manual which will cover assessing and completing comments sheets.
Day 3 (3 day course) / Day 5 and Day 6 (6 half day course):
Assessments. Each attendee to teach a section of Grade One. Each attendee to complete a comments sheet based on one of their peers.
Work through the Blossom Yoga Big Buds Business Manual in the afternoon.
Please check our
FAQ section for answers to some common questions.
For further information, or to reserve a place on one of our forthcoming courses, please telephone: 07739 507960 email: